
Words That Count is an initiative dedicated to capturing and sharing the compelling stories of successful African women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. This project serves as a dynamic platform to document the diverse journeys, achievements, and experiences of these accomplished women. By providing a rich tapestry of narratives, Words That Count aims to inspire and empower the next generation of girls interested in pursuing STEM careers. The initiative recognizes the critical role of storytelling in bridging the gender gap in STEM, fostering a sense of community and mentorship. Words That Count aspires to create a more inclusive and equitable STEM landscape by showcasing the diverse voices and remarkable accomplishments of women who have excelled in these fields across the African continent.




Kampala, Uganda

Type of Organisation

Science Engagement Project

Focus Area / Approach

Empowerment Programme, STEM/STEAM Programme

Impact Towards SDGs

Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 5: Gender Equality

Main Target Group

Women & Girls

Active Since



What This Organisation Can Offer

Words That Count inspires and offers a rich tapestry of narratives that transcend traditional boundaries in STEM. This project provides a vital platform for showcasing the diverse experiences and remarkable achievements of successful African women in STEM. By sharing these stories, Words That Count becomes a source of empowerment, offering aspiring individuals role models who have navigated unique paths within STEM fields. Beyond inspiration, the initiative contributes to community building, mentorship opportunities, and educational resources, fostering inclusivity and breaking down barriers. It not only serves as a testament to the impactful contributions of women in STEM but also acts as a catalyst for change, advocating for greater gender diversity and equity in these crucial fields. We are not just a collection of stories; we are a transformative force shaping the narrative of women in STEM and paving the way for a more inclusive and dynamic future.

What This Organisation Is Looking for

Words That Count seeks collaboration from a diverse network of individuals and organizations to enrich its impact in the realm of STEM empowerment. The project invites personal contributions and success stories from individuals across the STEM spectrum, broadening the narrative tapestry. Established professionals willing to serve as mentors and role models are pivotal, fostering a supportive community for aspiring talents. Educational institutions are encouraged to integrate the initiative into STEM education, while partnerships with industry stakeholders can pave the way for networking opportunities and career pathways. Advocates are welcomed to amplify the project’s message, contributing to a wider conversation on gender diversity in STEM. Event participation, media support, research collaborations, financial backing, and global networking also form integral aspects where collaboration can significantly enhance the initiative’s reach and impact. We envision a collaborative effort to inspire, empower, and champion diversity within the STEM community, recognizing that the strength of our impact lies in the collective support of a dynamic network.

Project Lead

Words That Count

Words That Count

Winnie Nakiyingi

2022 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Winnie Nakiyingi is a master at research and report writing with a specialization in mathematical and statistical processes. She is an alumna of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), where she currently works as a Research Assistant (Data & Quantum) at the Research and Innovation Center in Kigali, Rwanda. She is a certified researcher through the TRREE Training program in Research Ethics Evaluation. Because of her passion for empowering African women and girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), she founded Words That Count (WTC), an initiative that documents stories of successful African women in STEM. The aim is to present the various career paths on the STEM spectrum to young girls mapping their careers in STEM. She has also been engaged in humanitarian work through Axiom-DK as a Statistics consultant. Winnie is one of the Science Diplomacy alumni at the United Nations Institute and Training and Research (UNITAR), and the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA). More recently, she has been selected as one of the prestigious Women In Africa (WIA) Young Leaders 2023 laureates.

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