
The Royal Society of Victoria delivers the Inspiring Victoria program, encouraging involvement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through initiatives including National Science Week in Victoria, a Victorian Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association, and year-round, regional engagement through a statewide Partnership Network involving members of Public Libraries Victoria and Neighbourhood Houses Victoria. These programs include community forums, science talks, industry nights, citizen science projects, kids science clubs and cultural activities with a science flavour!




8 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Type of Organisation


Focus Area / Approach

Community Engagement, Informal Science Learning

Impact Towards SDGs

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Main Target Group

Adults (>18 Years Old)

Active Since



What This Organisation Can Offer

We offer a grass roots approach with over 600 local nodes to activate towards community empowerment and development, along with a rich network of scientists, educators, policy makers and industrialists in the State of Victoria.

What This Organisation Is Looking for

We are looking for ongoing funding for our programs from governments, philanthropic foundations and industry sponsors.

Contact Person

The Royal Society of Victoria

The Royal Society of Victoria

Mike Flattley

2022 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Mike Flattley has had a long career in the higher education sector, alongside his independent work in theatre, screen and music production. His professional experience has featured roles concerned with community and cultural development, institutional communications and divisional business management. His formal studies have canvassed political science, history, literary theory, multimedia design, cultural planning and university management.

Mike is a passionate advocate for the role of cultural and environmental heritage in the health of communities, the crucial place of objective reasoning and the scientific method in society for the positive progress of humanity, and the capacity for the physical and social sciences to align their efforts to win a broader appreciation by everyone of the world around and within us.

Mike joined the Royal Society of Victoria in early 2015 to assist the Society with defining its 21st century role, setting strategic directions, securing resources in support of its key goals and guiding the operations of Victorias oldest learned society.

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