Portrait of Sara Valequez


Sara Velasquez

  • 2024
  • Participant
  • Female Science Talents

Dr. Sara Velasquez is an enthusiastic postdoctoral scientist at the University of Twente, Netherlands. She develops sustainable polymeric materials to address societal problems. Currently her work focuses on developing safe methods to protect plants through Green Encapsulation of Spores or Silver Nanoparticles, ultimately aiming to replace toxic pesticides. During her studies, Sara has had a strong interest in Bioinspiration, drawing ideas from nature to develop novel innovative materials with improved properties. Her research has been recognised by the American Chemical Society as Centennial Future Leader of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering in 2024, and she has won a Student Award from TAPPINano in 2022. She is particularly passionate about encouraging women and under-represented groups into STEM careers.

I want to develop a new generation of materials that are less harmful to the environment. I want to do this because although modern materials are amazing, the ones we commonly use are harmful to our environment and are increasingly causing societal impacts. I can do this because my interdisciplinary background allows me to look at the development of polymeric materials with a special perspective and a passion to lead change by inspiring the next generation of scientists.

Sara Valequez is a part of 2024 Intensive Track