Helmholtz Association
Effrosyni Chelioti
- 2023
- Participant
- Female Science Talents
Effrosyni Chelioti is Deputy Managing Director at the Helmholtz Association in Berlin. In this function, she is responsible for the strategic planning and implementation of the organisation’s international relations and advises government entities on science diplomacy and internationalisation of science and innovation. She furthermore oversees the agenda-setting process and the relations to political stakeholders and the media on a national and international level. She has served as Senior Research Fellow at the UK Government Office for Science and led a working group on Science Diplomacy for the Federal Foreign Office. Before joining the Helmholtz Association, Effrosyni Chelioti organised the Euroscience Open Forum 2006, a European multidisciplinary conference, which attracted over 2000 researchers, policy makers and journalists. She holds Master’s Degrees in Political Science and European Law from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and a PhD in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Vienna.
Effrosyni Chelioti participated at the Female Science Talents International Fall Gathering 2023.