Group working at Falling Walls Summer School 2023
Group working at Falling Walls Summer School 2023

Summer School

Falling Walls Foundation has a magical way of bringing people together and promoting a natural environment for ideas to flourish and grow!

The Summer School for Water Security reunited specialists from the most diverse areas to create solutions for a better world. Together, we proved that it is possible to make a difference!

Camila Suliani Raota, University of Caxias do Sul - Brazil

Falling Walls Engage Pitch on Stage at Science Summit 2020

Falling Walls Engage

Falling Walls Engage is a global hub for Science Engagement hosted by the Falling Walls Foundation and supported by Hannover Re Foundation.

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2nd Place at Falling Walls Lab 2018

Falling Walls Lab

Throughout the year, 100 Labs take place all over the world. The winners are invited to pitch their breakthrough ideas at the Science Summit

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