Portrait of Tobias J. Erb

Max Planck Society

Max Planck Society

Tobias Erb

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Circle
  • 2023
  • Participant
  • Life Sciences

Tobias J. Erb is a synthetic biologist and scientific member of the Max Planck Society. Research in his lab focuses on the discovery and engineering of novel CO2-converting enzymes and pathways, and their use in artificial photosynthesis. Erb and his team realized the first synthetic pathway for CO2-fixation in 2016 and demonstrated the first “artificial chloroplast” in 2020. Tobi Erb has received numerous awards, including the Research Prizes of the Swiss and German Societies of Microbiology, the Otto Bayer Prize, the Prix Forcheur Jean-Marie Lehn, and the Future Insight Prize. He was named by the American Chemical Society's C&EN as one of 12 Up-and Coming Scientists, elected to the European Academy of Microbiology, the European Molecular Biology Organization, and the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina. 

Tobias J. Erb was a Falling Walls Winner in the Life Sciences category in 2023.