Portrait of Arline Geronimus

University of Michigan

Arline Geronimus

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Circle
  • 2023
  • Participant
  • Social Sciences & Humanities

Arline Geronimus is a Professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health and Institute for Social Research. She studied Political Theory at Princeton University, and trained in Public Health and Medicine at Harvard University. Elected to membership in the National Academy of Medicine, she originated Weathering Theory, positing members of oppressed social identity groups pay a high price in their health as they engage structured injustice and persevere in their daily round. Pointing to collective strategies marginalized groups employ to mitigate, resist, or undo the adverse impacts of weathering for community economies and caretaking systems, she considers the stakes and trade-offs these strategies reflect and the perturbations normal public policy often causes in such autonomous protections. Her framework offers a roadmap to social healing.

Arline Geronimus was a Falling Walls Winner in the Social Sciences and Humanities category 2023.