7 November 2024 | 09:30 - 11:00

Session 1 | Falling Walls Lab Pitches

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Springer Nature, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Sartorius, Italienische Botschaft in Berlin, Falling Walls Foundation

Falling Walls Lab Pitches: In this session, brilliant innovators from around the world present bold solutions to some of today’s most pressing global challenges in 3 minutes.

In this session, brilliant innovators from around the world present bold solutions to some of today’s most pressing global challenges in 3-minute pitches. From sustainable plastics and artificial intelligence to tackling education inequality, their ideas promise to reshape the future.

Order of presentation:

  1. Bárbara Ribeiro, Falling Walls Lab KAUST
    Breaking the Wall of Coral Reef Decline
  2. Thibault Vervenne, Falling Walls Lab Leuven
    Breaking the Wall of Dr. Ross: A Comeback Kid
  3. Anzia Juvis Angweri, Falling Walls Lab Cameroon
    Breaking the Wall of Breast Cancer Detection
  4. Jacob Martin, Falling Walls Lab Australia
    Breaking the Wall of Green Graphite
  5. Maria Eduarda Tavares, Falling Walls Lab Brazil
    Breaking the Wall of Diversity in Genomics
  6. Frienson Pradhan, Falling Walls Lab Kathmandu
    Breaking the Wall of Pestilence
  7. Andra-Lisa Maria Hoyt, Falling Walls Lab Baden-Württemberg
    Breaking the Wall of Crumbling Walls
  8. Daouda Faye, Falling Walls Lab Dakar
    Breaking the Wall of Agricultural Finance
  9. Lava Mohammed, Falling Walls Lab Erbil
    Breaking the Wall of Conventional Solar Limits
  10. Leone Bacciu, Falling Walls Lab Italy
    Breaking the Wall of Black Boxes in Medicine
  11. Constadina Rogers, Falling Walls Lab Atlantic Canada
    Breaking the Wall of Plastic Accumulation
  12. Tinaye Makoni, Falling Walls Lab Zimbabwe
    Breaking the Wall of Energy Poverty
  13. Samia Al Ryami, Falling Walls Lab Oman
    Breaking the Wall of Depleted Water
  14. Iwan Hächler, Falling Walls Lab Switzerland
    Breaking the Wall of Foggy Surfaces
  15. Vanessa Ivy Dodoo, Falling Walls Lab Ghana
    Breaking the Wall of Post Harvest Losses
  16. Naim Al-Haj Ali, Falling Walls Lab Jordan
    Breaking the Wall of Custom Splint Production
  17. Michelle Steven, Falling Walls Lab Tshwane
    Breaking the Wall of Breast Cancer Diagnosis
  18. Mark Motliuk, Falling Walls Lab Hungary
    Breaking the Wall of Non-Chemical Pest Control
  19. Upasana Jhariya, Falling Walls Lab Sendai
    Breaking the Wall of Heavy Metals Waste
  20. Alexa Zytnick, Falling Walls Lab San Francisco Bay Area
    Breaking the Wall of Metal Mining
  21. Nandor Kelecsenyi, Falling Walls Lab Kyiv
    Breaking the Wall of Communication Boundaries
  22. Ines Siti Sarah, Falling Walls Lab Indonesia
    Breaking the Wall of Cervical Cancer Detection
  23. Uriel Kevin Kroa Sem, Falling Walls Lab Abidjan
    Breaking the Wall of Unsustainable Materials
  24. Nawawan Klankoet, Falling Walls Lab Thailand
    Breaking the Wall of Bacteria Eaters
  25. Carlos Honrado, Falling Walls Lab Berlin-Adlershof
    Breaking the Wall of Endometrial Cancer
  26. Tania Cencara Rojas, Falling Walls Lab Peru
    Breaking the Wall of Sustainable Plant Relief
  27. Amith Kamath, Falling Walls Lab Fribourg
    Breaking the Wall of Radiotherapy with AI
  28. Neema Mfuru, Falling Walls Lab Tanzania
    Breaking the Wall of Educational Inequality
  29. Syuan-Yu Lin, Falling Walls Lab Taipei
    Breaking the Wall of Reading Brain Decoding
  30. Gabriele Greco, Falling Walls Lab Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
    Breaking the Wall of the Textile Industry
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 09:30 Thu, 11/07/2024 - 11:00

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Event Location

Falling Walls Science House
Karl-Marx-Allee 34
10179 Berlin