Press Kit
This press kit includes information media representatives may use for the press coverage of the Falling Walls Foundation and its projects.
Below you may find information about the Falling Walls Foundation, the Falling Walls Science Summit, the Berlin Science Week and other projects.
For interview and press inquiries please contact: press@falling-walls.com
What are the next walls to fall in science and society?
The Falling Walls Foundation is inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 and the dawn of a new era of freedom. The non-profit foundation promotes breakthrough thinking and builds a growing network of leaders from science, business, and the public sector to tackle great challenges and make groundbreaking ideas accessible to society.
Is the leading forum for global science leaders with focus on science breakthroughs. The summit takes place every year in Berlin from 7 – 10 November, the anniversary day of the fall of the Berlin Wall. This holistic approach of international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral discourse is globally unique and attracts leading researchers, CTOs, science strategists, sciences funders, and media worldwide. More: falling-walls.com
Is a ten-day festival in Berlin that allows over 100 academic institutions from all over the world to showcase their work, to connect and engage with the local and international science community and the public. With thousands of participants every year it is one of the largest science events. The Berlin Science Week takes place every year from 1-10 Nov and concludes with the Falling Walls Science Summit (7–10 Nov). More: berlinscienceweek.com
Is an educational programme that encourages PhDs and Postdocs of all disciplines to become Sciencepreneurs starting their own business. YES strengthens entrepreneurial thinking and promotes entrepreneurial career paths through creative workshops and webinars. Together with our partners in academia and business every year we ask about a thousand participants: How much startup is in your PhD? More: youngentrepreneursinscience.com
Promotes inclusive excellence and leadership in science, business, and society. With the Intensive Track, the programme elevates 20 exceptional early career researchers annually through peer engagement, workshops and global networking. With the annual Women’s Impact Award, it recognizes groundbreaking women-led research contributing to gender equality and the Sustainable Development Goals.. More: falling-walls.com/female-science-talents/
Is the largest international festival of innovation in the public sector. It gathers innovators in the public sector from all levels and all fields of expertise and from all over the world. Every year over 400 speakers provide innovative solutions in countless fields of the public sector (the largest industry on the planet) and give an idea how inspiring and rewarding civil service can be. More: creativebureaucracy.org
Download the CV of the Chairman of the Board of the Falling Walls Foundation, Prof. Jürgen Mlynek.
Download the CV of the Managing Director of the Falling Walls Foundation, Dr. Andreas Kosmider.