University of Vienna
Ulrike Felt
Ulrike Felt is Professor of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Vienna, Austria. Holding a PhD in physics and a second degree (habilitation) in the social sciences, Felt is addressing pressing issues at the intersections of science, innovation and society. Her research critically examines contemporary lives in knowledge/innovation societies, changing research cultures as well as the multiple engagements of societal actors with developments in science and technology. As STS scholar, she is author/co-author of numerous books and edited volumes and has published more than 120 articles and chapters. She is currently finishing a book on the politics of time in academic research. Felt has also recently been awarded an ERC grant to investigate how contemporary societies address and care for the left-behinds created by innovations, pointing to the urgency of rethinking our relation to innovation in the name of protecting our environmental futures.