Portrait of Ruth Krahe
© DAAD London/Mathias Falcone

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Ruth Krahe

  • 2023
  • Jury
  • Lab

Ruth Krahe studied Political Science, English Literature and Linguistics at the Universities of Bonn and Nottingham. Ruth is an expert in the field of the promotion of the internationalisation of higher education and has been working for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in various positions since 1998.
Her professional roles included creating, setting up and managing the “Carlo Schmid Programme for Internships in International Organisations and EU Institutions” a scholarship programme for German students and graduates for work placements. As head of section, she was responsible for the DAAD´s alumni relations management. From 2014-2019 she was in charge of the coordination of the DAAD´s international network of Information Centres. Ruth took over the position as Director of the DAAD´s London Branch Office in November 2019.

The London office is responsible for the DAAD´s scholarship programmes for the UK and the Republic of Ireland, the promotion of the German language, managing the GATE Germany campaigns “#HELLOGERMANY (Study in Germany)” and “Research in Germany” and project funding programmes such as the “DAAD-University of Cambridge Research Hub for German Studies”, “Promoting German Studies”, “Forging German Connections”, “Centre Stage Deutsch” as well as coordinating the “Network of German Academics in the UK”.