Rebecca Asher

Rebecca Asher

  • 2022
  • Jury
  • Engage
  • 2018
  • Jury
  • Engage

I am the Engagement Manager for the Digital Equity team, which sits within Data for Science and Health at the Wellcome Trust. I work in a job share with Emily Jesper-Mir. We also deliver engagement projects for Understanding Patient Data, which is currently hosted a Wellcome. The Data for Science and Health programme is global and champions trustworthy data science to tackle the health challenges facing everyone. Emily and I work to deepen Wellcome's understanding of how digital equity can be applied, so that data and analytics can be used in a trustworthy way and decision making by communities embedded (eg through data governance structures or cocreation of digital tools). Prior to joining Wellcome in 2020, I was Deputy Director of the independent, campaigning charity Sense about Science (where I met Emily). Before that I worked in the media, holding senior editorial roles in television news and current affairs and at BBC Radio 4. I started out in my career working for an MP in the UK Parliament. I have written two books on social policy – Shattered and Man Up – published by Penguin Random House.