Pierre-Etienne Franc

Pierre-Etienne Franc

Pierre-Etienne Franc, graduate from HEC Paris, joined the Air Liquide Group in 1995 as strategic analyst for the Group general management. He then held several positions in large Projects Business Development, Operations General Management, Strategy and Diversification activities. Since 2010 he has been supervising the portfolio of advanced businesses and technologies initiatives of the Group, in the fields of energy and environment, space,aeronautics, cryogenics, gathering 20 companies. Since June 2017, he is Vice President, Air Liquide, Hydrogen Energy World Business Line, in charge of developing the full potential of H2 activities for the Group worldwide and supervises Air Liquide Venture Capital arm (ALIAD), which he created in 2012. He is the current Hydrogen Council Secretary. He is author of three books (“Le Management du Client”, Eyrolles, 1994 ; “Hydrogen, the energy transition in the making”, Manifesto/Gallimard, 2015, “Entreprise et bien commun”, Palio 2018).  @pefranc