Petra Siegele

Petra Siegele

2022 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Petra Siegele is the Director of the Public Science Programme at the Agency for Education and Internalisation OeAD in Austria and holds a Masters of Comparative Literature and German Studies from the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck.

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Funding Organisation Funding Organisation

OeAD Center for Citizen Science

Austria (Vienna)

The Center for Citizen Science of the OeAD was established in June 2015 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. It serves as an information, advisory and service center for Citizen Science. With it, the OeAD primarily addresses researchers and scientific institutions with the aim of promoting the Citizen Science research approach in Austria. The centre funds citizen science projects through the funding programme “Sparkling Science 2.0”.

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