Portrait of Mayumi Madhushani Manamperi Hettige

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Mayumi Madhushani Manamperi Hettige

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Engage

Mayumi Manamperi is an accomplished Entomologist specializing in vector surveillance, Chemical/Biological vector control methods, and insecticide resistance monitoring. Since 2019, she has been serving the Ministry of Health, Nutrition, and Indigenous Medicine in Sri Lanka as a Medical Entomologist. Currently, she is pursuing her post-graduate degree in Molecular Entomology and Health Promotion under the supervision of Dr. Asha Wijegunawardana at the laboratory facility in the Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka under the funds received from WHO/TDR Crowdfund Grant 2019.

Mayumi Madhushani Manamperi Hettige's 2023 Falling Walls Engage Winner Project is Community Directed Leishmaniasis Control in Sri Lanka.