Martha Cambre
- 2019
- Jury
- Engage
Martha Cambre is the Executive Director of RedPOP (Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology, 2018-2021) and the Executive Chief Staff of ‘'Espacio Ciencia’’, the biggest science center in Uruguay that belongs to the Technological Laboratory of the country. She is a Chemical Engineer and has a postgraduate degree in Development and Applications in Interactive Museography of the University of Barcelona. Her experience is based on the management of an interactive science center, leading and taking part actively in the teams of educational and design of exhibitions and visitor activities since 1996. She actively participates in science engagement programs such as IEEE or OAS. She was part of national and international juries, academic committees, groups of research and publications in Latin America as part of RedPOP activities, among others. Martha Cambre is also involved in the International Committee program that organizes the Science Center World Summit. In 2018-2019 she was also responsable for the museografic design of the new "Espacio Ciencia", the project coordination and the launch of the renewed science center. During her active participation in RedPOP for over 15 years she has developed research in the field of science popularization in cooperation with other Latin and Ibero-American institutions, written different articles for regional publications as well as participated as part of jury or academic member in the review of works for different events. During these years, she has developed a network of museums references in Latin America and the rest of the world.