Portrait of Marion Poetz

Copenhagen Business School

Marion Poetz

  • 2023
  • Jury
  • 2018
  • Jury

Marion Poetz is Associate Professor of Innovation Management at the Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI) at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and Scientific Director of the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (OIS Center) in Vienna. She gained her PhD from WU Vienna and has been a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management, Bocconi University and ETH Zurich. Inspired by phenomena linked to open innovation, crowdsourcing and similar topics, her research is concerned with strategy, leadership, organization and problem solving in new forms of science and innovation practices that are characterized by being more open, distributed, collaborative, and democratized than traditional models. As a principle investigator in several large-scale research projects, she currently manages research groups around these topics in both Denmark and Austria. Marion’s work has been published in leading international journals such as Management Science, the Journal of Product Innovation Management or Harvard Business Review, featured in media such as Forbes or Inc. Magazine, and received numerous awards. Marion engages as a coordinator and teacher in different international master, PhD and executive teaching programs in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation. She is the academic head of the Graduate Diploma Program in Innovation Management at CBS and co-initiator of the Danish SME Crowdsourcing Lab. Marion has been an academic advisor and consultant to organizations from various industries including national and international firms and policy-making institutions. She has been involved in developing the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Initiative of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) and acts as the academic director of the Lab for Open Innovation in Science (LOIS). Marion is affiliated with the Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID), the Academy of Management (AOM) and has been selected as a member of the Young Global Leaders (YGLs) of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Marion Poetz was a jury member of the Science and Innovation category at the Science Summit in 2021 and 2023.