Mariana Mazzucato

Mariana Mazzucato

  • 2014
  • Speaker

Mazzucato’s new work on the "Entrepreneurial State: debunking private vs. public myths in innovation", building on her high impact DEMOS report, came out in June 2013. She is also Visiting Professor in the Economics of Innovation at the Open University (UK); the Economics Director of the ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research of Innovation in Genomics (INNOGEN); and Scientific Coordinator of a 3 year European Commission funded FP7 project on Finance, Innovation and Growth (FINNOV, 2009-2012). She advises the UK government on industrial policy and financial market reform, and is on two expert groups in the European Commission dedicated to innovation led growth. Her research focuses on the relationship between innovation, finance and growth, and economic policies that can ensure that economic growth is not only ‘smart’ but also inclusive and sustainable.