Portrait of Maria Teresa Gutiérrez Mercadillo
© fcea.org.mx

Fondo para la Comunicación y la Educación Ambiental, A.C.

Maria Teresa Gutiérrez Mercadillo

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Engage

Maria Teresa Gutiérrez is a Primary Education Teacher, Graduated in Communications Studies from the Universidad Iberoamericana and obtained Science Divulgation diploma at UNAM. In 2002 she founded the Environmental Education and Communicational Fund, an organization that she has directed since 2006, and whose mission is to contribute to the development of a culture that commits Mexican society to the natural and cultural world that sustains it. She is a board member of the Mexican Center for Environmental Law, the Gulf of Mexico Fund, she has been a Columnist for the National News System for more than eight years, member of the Senate of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Consultant of the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, A.C. and Coordinator of the Mexican Association of Fulbright Alumni. 

Maria Teresa Gutiérrez Mercadillo's 2023 Falling Walls Engage Winner Project is the Environmental Education and Communicational Fund.