Made of Air

Made of Air

Made of Air's mission is to combat climate change by bringing a variety of carbon-negative materials into the market at scale. This mission came from a realization that the expected construction needed by 2050 alone will bankrupt the globe's carbon budget if materials are continued to be used as they are today. The world's climate goals heavily rely on negative emissions technologies. However, there are still relatively few solutions that address this problem and nearly none that can bring a solution to the market at scale and cost, today. Made of Air Materials use low-value biomass waste to produce high value, carbon-negative thermoplastics. The materials serve a variety of applications to replace current thermoplastics at a competitive price. Current use cases include the built environment and consumer goods. The highly scalable production process creates a product that retains more CO2 than it emits during its life-cycle and is energy-positive as it creates a surplus of usable heat and electricity.