Libby Heaney

Libby Heaney

Artist, Researcher, and Physicist Libby Heaney has a PhD in Quantum Information Science from the University of Leeds and an MA in Art and Science from Central Saint Martins in London. She has exhibited her artworks widely in galleries and institutions in the UK and internationally, including a solo exhibition as part of the 2017 EU capital of culture in Aarhus and in group shows at Arebyte Gallery (online 2020), LUX with Hervisions (online 2020), Tate Modern (London 2016, 2019), ICA (London 2019), V&A (London 2018), Barbican (London 2019), Somerset House (London 2019), Sheffield Documentary Festival (2018), Science Gallery Dublin (2017, 2018, 2019), Sonar+D (with the British Council, Barcelona 2017), Ars Electronica (Linz 2017), CogX (London 2018), Telefonica Fundacion (with the British Council, Lima 2017).