CodeMakers NPO

Justin Yarrow

2020 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Justin is scientist by training who left research for more practical and hands on application of science in the world. He is a scientist by training and started our NPO to spread the joy and wonderment of science.

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Science Engagement Project Science Engagement Project


South Africa (Durban)

SuperScientists is drawing living scientists and champions from across Africa and beyond as superheroes to speak a language young people understand and show off the amazing abilities of scientists. When you ask most young people to name a scientist, they will say Einstein or no one. We want to change that and give them scientists that look like them and that they can connect with. The characters are used in trading cards, activity books, calendars, and soon a comic. We’ve drawn 50+ people and in 2021 distributed over 15,000 calendars, activity books, and cards.

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