Jochen Sandig

Jochen Sandig

  • 2020
  • Jury
  • Art & Science
  • 2020
  • Jury
  • 2021
  • Jury
  • Art & Science

Jochen Sandig is a cultural entrepreneur and co-founder of several independent art institutions in Berlin amongst them the legendary Tacheles (1990), Sasha Waltz & Guests (1993) and Sophiensaele (1996). In 2006, he founded with Folkert Uhde in a transformed historical pumping station RADIALSYSTEM as a space for arts and ideas" in Berlin, which quickly became the home base for many independent artists, ensembles, festivals and conferences like Falling Walls. Here, Jochen Sandig produced as director in 2012 also his first piece “human requiem” with Rundfunkchor Berlin based on the German Requiem by Johannes Brahms which toured all around the world. Since 2019 Jochen Sandig is Artistic Director of the Ludwigsburg Festival - one of the oldest festivals in Germany.