Gabriela Ivan

FIRST Tech Challenge Romania

Gabriela Ivan

  • 2020
  • Advisory Board
  • Engage

Gabriela Ivan is the Program Manager of FIRST Tech Challenge Romania, the biggest robotics and STEM education program for high school students in Europe and third in the world. She is committed to Science Engagement projects that bridge the gap between science and society. This includes STEM education workshops in tech hubs, robotics demo events and hackathons, meet & greets with science personalities, and summer camps. She actively participates as organizer, mentor, speaker, program ambassador in Romanian and international communities in the fields of culture, education, science, technology, advancing sustainable development. Gabriela has a degree in International Economic Relations from the American University of Bucharest and pursuing a MSc in Diplomacy and Negotiations and MSc in Development, International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest. 2019 Science Engager of the Year Finalist awarded by the Falling Walls Foundation Berlin and 2018 Global Leaders Fellow for Emerging Nonprofit Executives awarded by Better World Strategies US.