Eva Friedel

Eva Friedel

Eva Friedel studied human medicine and psychology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and at the University of New South Wales Sydney. She completed her training as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Charité. She received her doctorate in medicine at the Charité on genetic and pharmacological influences on the processing of affective information and working memory. Her doctorate (Dr. phil.) was awarded at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Potsdam on the influence of cognition and stress life on decision-making and its role in alcohol addiction. Currently, Eva Friedel is head of the DFG-funded project Imaging (Epi)genetics in Alcohol Use Disorder. Since 2019, Eva Friedel has been the senior physician in charge of the Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic of Charité Mitte and the Therapy Centre for Bipolar Disorders.  Friedel is a member of the AG Mind and Brain and is currently supported by the Clinician Scientist Programme of the BIH and the Lydia Rabinowitsch grant of the Charité.