Emily Jesper-Mir

Wellcome Trust

Emily Jesper-Mir

  • 2022
  • Jury
  • Engage

I am the Engagement Manager in the Digital Equity team in Data for Science and Health, with my job share Rebecca Asher. We also deliver engagement projects for Understanding Patient Data. Rebecca and I are here to deepen Wellcome's understanding of how digital equity can be applied so that data and analytics can be used in a trustworthy way; and how engagement and decision making by communities can be embedded e.g through governance structures of datsets; or cocreation of tools. Before joining Wellcome in 2020, I was partnership director at Sense about Science. Alongside Rebecca Asher, I led SaS’ public engagement programme, helping researchers to communicate difficult evidence debates or health datasets simply and accurately through codesign and cocreation. I also ran the research culture and quality programme at SaS. I joined Sense about Science following a successful career in scientific publishing. I was the managing editor of the international, peer reviewed journal BJOG for five years, at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This followed on from a role as assistant editor for the Novartis Foundation: a charity that championed interdisciplinary collaboration and excellence in science. I have a degree in Biological Science from UMIST.