Deckard A.I.

Deckard A.I.

Presented by Lele Canfora Nominated by Axel Springer Plug & Play   Deckard Intelligence wants to change the software development market by tapping into the data of developer teams. Software project management is an extremely complex task and project managers often base decisions for projects worth millions of euros on unreliable, approximate data.





Providing project managers with AI based insights and answers, Deckard Intelligence’s product wants to be an omniscient management assistant for all mission-critical decisions. Their AI engine learns about the structure and performance of a company and substitutes hundreds of hours of imprecise human work with reliable and objective machine grade estimations, alerts and benchmarks to help project managers optimise current projects, identify bottlenecks and clearly understand the time and resources required for future ones, tailored to each individual company. Based on an exclusive algorithm, the engine runs in real time and registers any change in the company’s data and thus identifies if there is an anomaly in the current workflow. Claiming to be able to predict the future of a company’s projects, Deckard’s product is designed to make software development more efficient by facilitating project management.