Claudia Kemfert

Claudia Kemfert

Head of Department Energy, Transportation, Environment Prof. Claudia Kemfert has headed the Department of Energy, Transportation, Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) since 2004 and is Professor of Energy Economics and Energy Policy at Leuphana University. She studied economics at the universities of Bielefeld, Oldenburg and Stanford. She is an economic expert in the fields of energy research and climate protection. In 2016, she was appointed to the German Council of Environmental Advisors (SRU) and received the German Solar Prize and the Adam-Smith-Prize for market-based environmental policy. She is an award-winning top researcher and a sought-after expert for politics and media. Her latest book, "Mondays for Future - Demonstrating on Fridays, Discussing on Saturdays and Attacking and Implementing on Mondays" was published in spring 2020.