X - The Moonshot Factory

Benoit Schillings

2023 2023 Speaker | Sciencepreneurs 2023 Speaker | Circle 2023 Speaker | Breakthrough Day Speaker Breakthrough Day Falling Walls Circle

Benoit, X’s Chief Technology Officer, oversees a portfolio of early-stage project teams that dream up, prototype and derisk X’s next generation of moonshots. The scientists, technologists and self described general weirdos in Benoit’s team take out-there ideas for positive world changing technologies from “what if?” to early prototype. Some of the team’s current areas of exploration include investigating the next frontiers in computing, biochemistry, inverse design and clean energy sources. Originally from Belgium, Benoit has worked in Silicon Valley for over 30 years holding senior technical roles at Yahoo, Nokia, Be.Inc and holds more than 40 U.S. and international patents related to his work in hardware and software technology. Benoit is the father of two wonderful daughters and when he’s not working on moonshots he can be found on his roof, gazing at the beauty of the night sky through his homemade telescopes.

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Events with Benoit Schillings

Wed | Nov 08, 2023 | 09.00 AM - 10.00 AM Berlin Time

Falling Walls Circle – Plenary Table: The Implications of AI for Science: Friend or Foe?

Wed | Nov 08, 2023 | 02.00 PM - 06.00 PM Berlin Time

SPRIND Sciencepreneurship Symposium

Thu | Nov 09, 2023 | 12.15 PM - 12.30 PM Berlin Time

Benoit Schillings: Breaking the Wall to Invention Machines

Further Activities to have a look at