Antonia Morita Saktiawati

Women's Impact Award

© Antonia Morita Saktiawati

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Antonia Morita Saktiawati

  • 2024
  • Participant
  • Female Science Talents

Antonia Morita has worked in developing diagnosis and treatment for tuberculosis. Her passions are infectious disease and immunology. She serves as a National Delegate in the European Respiratory Society (ERS), co-lead of working groups in the Global Young Academy, vice coordinator in the Young Academy of Indonesia, editorial board member in the BMC Infectious Diseases, and is active in UNITE4TB and other international organizations. Among her achievements, she earned the Rising Star Award in Prague, s long-term Research Fellowship from ERS and the Faculty for the Future Award from the Schlumberger foundation.