Portrait of Annika Stechemesser

Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research

Annika Stechemesser

  • 2023
  • Press Fellow
  • Female Science Talents

Zia Fellow

Annika Stechemesser is a researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. She specialises in data-driven analyses of climate impacts on society and the economy. In her PhD, she explored topics like the influence of temperature on online aggression or on mobility patterns. Further, she uses machine learning to identify effective climate policies. Annika earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from University Duisburg-Essen, Germany and her Masters in Mathematics of Systems from the University of Warwick, UK. Driven by a passion to address urgent real-world issues, she dedicates her work to combating climate change. With a passion for science communication, she hopes to narrow the gap between climate science, policy, and society.