Portrait of NICK FOWLER


Nick Fowler

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Circle

Nick Fowler is Elsevier’s Chief Academic Officer. He leads Elsevier’s Research Networks group which collaborates with senior leaders of the world’s leading universities, funders, and research policymakers. He has been instrumental in setting up collaborations with universities to address topics such as the future of academic assessment, advancing inclusion and diversity in recruitment, and measuring societal and economic impact. Nick is also Elsevier’s policy lead for areas such as Open Science and Research Evaluation. Nick serves as Elsevier’s representative on the Board of the STM Association, the global trade association for Science, Technical and Medical Publishers. He has Chaired the Association since October 2020. Nick is also a Council Member of the UK Publishers Association. He served as its Treasurer in 2012-13 and its President from 2013-14. Nick joined Elsevier in 2003. Before that he was an Engagement Manager at management consultancy McKinsey & Company based in Stamford Connecticut. He has a PhD in Anthropology from Cornell University in 1998, a Masters in the Social Sciences from the University of Chicago as a Fulbright Scholar in 1990, and a BA in Geography from Oxford University in 1989.