VALO therapeutics

VALO therapeutics

Valo Therapeutics Ltd is a spin-out company from the University of Helsinki developing unique anti-cancer and anti-infective therapeutic vaccinations based on its lead PeptiCRAd technology and is positioned to transform the fields of cancer immunotherapy and vaccination. The PeptiCRAd platform combines two clinically proven approaches; oncolytic virotherapy and disease-specific peptide vaccination. The idea is straightforward; use highly immunogenic oncolytic viruses as active carriers of disease-specific peptides to direct the immune system to target and kill cancerous or infected cells, generating lasting immune protection. The platform has the flexibility to expand to a suite of new diseases in the future. Valo will initiate its first Phase 1 oncology trial in 2021 and is currently engaged in the development of a Covid-19 strategy designed to augment some leading vaccine candidates currently in clinical development. Longer term, Valo will work to usher in patient-specific therapy.