University of Glasgow
Saeeda Bhatti
Saeeda Bhatti has several years experience working in science communication and as a STEM Ambassador and is passionate about taking science out to her local community. Saeeda is a member of the teaching staff in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing at the University of Glasgow and implemented a series of innovative and ambitious public engagement and science communication events in conjunction with local primary schools in the Gorbals, promoting STEM engagement in areas with traditionally low participation. In December 2017, Saeeda won the University of Glasgow Knowledge and Exchange Award for best Community Public Engagement Initiative as a result of her recent work in this area. She was also a finalist for the Herald Higher Education award for community outreach in 2019. Find out more about STEM in the Gorbals in this impact study and this newsletter on the University of Glasgow’s website. You can also listen to the podcast of STEM in the Gorbals here.