The Lancet
Sabine Kleinert
Sabine Kleinert is a Senior Executive Editor at The Lancet. She is a member of the Senior Management Team of The Lancet Group with responsibilities for research integrity, publication ethics, and Open Access policies. In 2018, she initiated Preprints with The Lancet in partnership with SSRN as one of the first medical preprint offerings. She served as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics from 2006 to March 2012 and was involved in the Conferences on Research Integrity from their beginning in 2007. She is a member of the Governing Board of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation and Co-Chair of the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2022. Her background is qualification as a medical doctor in Germany and training as a Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist in the UK, Belgium, Australia, the USA, and Australia.