- 2024
- Speaker
- Venture
Machines can hear, see and perceive haptics, but they are blind to a universe of olfaction. NOSI has developed a digital nose that teaches machines to smell.
The three founders rely on an interplay of chemical sensors that are trained to certain smell patterns using machine learning. The scents range from food flavours to industrial fabrication scents. Once stored, this smell can be recognized. Printed conductive polymers mimic the odorant receptor proteins, which are otherwise only found in humans or animals. In addition to the sensor technology (hardware), NOSI is developing AI-based algorithms for machine learning and pattern recognition to interpret the scents (software). NOSI's electronic odour sensor learns to recognize, classify and differentiate scents with high accuracy and speed. The sensory devices fill a gap for the IoT devices to unlock the next sense in automation and environmental monitoring: the smell.