Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
Monika Leszczyńska
Monika Leszczyńska is Assistant Professor of Empirical Legal Research and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, Netherlands. She received her PhD in law from University of Bonn (Germany). In her research, she studies how contract law interacts with individual contractual behavior. Specifically, she focuses on how people approach the making of a contract and its performance and what this behavior means for our understanding of contract law. To answer her research questions, she uses a variety of empirical methods such as behavioral experiments, vignette studies as well as systematic content analysis and computational methods. I want to understand how people behave in contractual relationships. I want this, because it will help us design contract law that encourages mutually beneficial transactions. I can do this, because I am an expert in both contract law and empirical research.