Springer Nature
Magdalena Skipper
- 2022
- Moderator
- Circle
- 2020
- Jury
- 2018
- Jury
- Lab
- 2020
- Jury
- Life Sciences
- 2024
- Moderator
- Circle
Magdalena Skipper is Editor in Chief of Nature and Chief Editorial Advisor for the Nature portfolio. Previously, she served as Editor in Chief of Nature Communications, Executive Editor for the Nature Partner portfolio, Senior Editor at Nature and Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics. She has a keen interest in promoting open science practices and publishing innovation that looks beyond standard manuscript publishing. In her role as Editor in Chief of Nature, she works towards fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative research, with an emphasis on inclusion across diverse stakeholder groups. A geneticist by training, she holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK. She sits on the advisory board of the Centre for Personalized Medicine at the University of Oxford, the newly created Einstein Foundation for Promoting Quality in Research and the NAS Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity and Trust. She presides over the jury for the Nature Award for Mentoring in Science and the Nature Award for Inspiring Women in Science. She is a Fellow of the International Science Council.