Portrait of Kylie Ahern

STEM Matters

Kylie Ahern

  • 2023
  • Speaker
  • Engage
  • 2024
  • Jury
  • Engage

Serial entrepreneur, CEO, industry pioneer and media trailblazer Kylie Ahern has transformed how Australians understand and interact with STEM. Over her career – from launching Australia’s top-science media brand, COSMOS, and helping lead the expansion of the Nature Publishing Group in Australia and New Zealand, to founding international consultancy firm STEM Matters and launching science communication publication, The Brilliant – Kylie has forged a new path at the intersection of science and 
arts. A powerful convenor and collaborator, she has connected thousands to STEM opportunities; raised the profile of countless scientific leaders and institutions; opened opportunities for millions of dollars in philanthropic, industry and government funding; and nurtured a new scientific legacy for Australia.