Portrait of Juliane Beck

University of St. Gallen

Juliane Beck

  • 2023
  • Participant
  • Female Science Talents

Juliane Beck is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.  She currently works on an interdisciplinary Research Project entitled “Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence in Security Systems.” In her thesis, Juliane investigates the fundamental rights impact of (existing and prospective) AI systems designed to support humans in deciding on the admission of Third Country Nationals to EU territory and their status under EU law. She is concerned with how regulatory safeguards may be crafted and human control ensured so that fundamental rights do not get undermined in the process of increased technologization. Before commencing her Ph.D., Juliane studied International Relations (B.A.) at Technical University Dresden and Lunds University and pursued a law degree at Humboldt University in Berlin. She has recently been a Visting Researcher at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law in Cambridge.

I want to contribute to a fundamental rights-compliant use of AI in EU border control and migration management. I want this because the people affected (Third Country Nationals, including protection seekers) are often in a particularly vulnerable position and have restricted means to challenge decisions that negatively affect them. I can do this because my interdisciplinary study background allows me to engage with different disciplines and bring together various insights to make sound regulatory proposals.

Juliane Beck participated at the Female Science Talents Intensive Track 2023.