Jérôme Côté
Jérôme Côté is a research assistant in neuropharmacology and coordinator of Neuroscience Sherbrooke, a group of 65 researchers and over 200 graduate students. He has a Ph.D. in biomedical imaging and pharmacology. His main motivation is to promote health sciences and neuroscience to the public. Jérôme enjoys imagining new ways to encourage his colleagues to engage their knowledge and expertise in the democratic conversation, and to reach out to the public in an effective and engaging way using primarily the arts as a communication channel. Jérôme Côté has initiated and organized various events such as Exprime-toi pour la santé (« Arts for health »), where patients, artists and scientists presented on stage the fruits of their collective artistic work (danse, poetry, choral singing, etc.), Neuro-Ciné, a series of movie nights where citizens are invited to watch a thematic movie and then discuss with neuroscientists, as well as Prendre part (« To take part »), a new CommSci summer school. He is also responsible for various committees that organize public science events as part of the Brain Awareness Week and Science Literacy Week, to name a few. He is also a music lover, an art form that colors many aspects of his life.