

  • 2022
  • Speaker
  • Venture

InCirT is an EXIST funded spin-off from RWTH Aachen University providing IP solutions for the next generation of wireless communication, exploiting a novel, ground-breaking transceiver microchip technology. Advanced ultrafast wireless communication standards such as 5G Advanced and 6G demand ever better performing semiconductor technology. While existing state-of-the-art technology at least struggles or outright fails to achieve the required performance, InCirT’s solutions meet even the highest demands. Our patented microchip technology delivers up to 100x faster data rates and 10x better energy efficiency than what current state-of-the-art technology achieves, while also being less costly for customers. Our microchips can be applied in any device connected to a wireless network, from cell-phones to self-driving cars to network infrastructure base stations. This makes InCirT’s solutions a key enabling technology for the next generation of wireless communication.