Henning Trill

Henning Trill

VP Innovation Strategy Henning Trill has a passion for new ways to make life better and focuses on ecosystems in nutrition and health as the VP Innovation Strategy. In his former role as Head of Corporate Innovation at Bayer he created and implemented Bayer’s Innovation Agenda which is a top-down and bottom up approach to drive innovation across the whole organization. His team supported an innovation Network with more than 800 Coaches across the company, a crowd ideation platform and more than 85 projects through an Intrapreneurship program based on Lean-Startup, creating substantial digital revenue potential. Previously, Henning lead the global R&D Team of Bayer’s Inhouse Management Consulting Unit. Prior to joining Bayer, he worked for the Boston Consulting Group and a start-up in the Lithium Ion Battery space. Henning studied Physics and Chemistry at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität in Münster and at the University of Santa Barbara, California (UCSB).