Gabriela de la Torre García

Programa Adopte un Talento (PAUTA)

Gabriela de la Torre García

  • 2022
  • Advisory Board
  • Engage
  • 2025

Gabriela de la Torre is the Manager of the Falling Walls Engage Hub Mexico. She has dedicated her professional life to gifted and talented education and holds a PhD in Scholar Psychology and Child Development from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain. Gabriela leads the public policy for gifted and talented education at the Ministry of Education in Mexico. Furthermore, she is the General Director of the Adopt a Talent Program (Programa Adopte un Talento, PAUTA), a nonprofit organization at the Nuclear Sciences Institute of the National University of Mexico (UNAM). The program seeks to develop the scientific vocation in children and youngsters across Mexico through extracurricular activities. Gabriela is a responsible leader for the BMW Foundation, and member of the Bosch Alumni Network.