Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science
Franziska Sattler
- 2023
- Participant
- Female Science Talents
Franziska Sattler is a Vertebrate Paleontologist and Evolutionary Biology Master alumna of Freie Universität Berlin. Until recently, she actively conducted research on Tyrannosaurs rex anatomy and dentation at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Currently, she is working as an academic student advisor at FU Berlin. Franziska has been working towards promoting women in science through Soapbox Science Berlin and 500 Women Scientists for many years. With her science podcast “Science with Milk, No Sugar” and the format “Kaffeeklatsch mit Wissenschaft“, as well as my involvement in Pint of Science Germany and LGBTQ STEM Berlin, she is committed to accessible communication of science topics in digital and analog public spaces.
Franziska Sattler participated at the Female Science Talents International Spring Gathering 2023