Concierto Sentido: Scientific Concerts
- 2023
- Project
- Engage
Con-Cierto Sentido is a way of science dissemination with a focus on gender and inclusion that through music and art stimulates the senses, taking the viewer to something more like a rock/pop concert than a talk. Although, its focus is outreach, it seeks to make women in science visible, therefore, the talks are starred by women with the idea that viewers (mostly children and young people) can imagine new possibilities in their professional future. This is how it works: A female scientist explains a scientific phenomenon. The explanation is set to music by a live band that also creates songs about the concepts and important passages of the narration. At the same time the talk is being illustrated and the drawings appear in a projection. The combination talk - music - drawings, allows to "narrate" in three different ways the same exhibition, stimulating the viewers to follow the talk in the way their own senses are disposed for learning.
Concierto Sentido: Scientific Concerts is the Project of Falling Walls Engage Winner 2023 Claudio Andres Canales Rios.