Armaghan Naghipour

Staatssekretärin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Gleichstellung Berliner Senat

Armaghan Naghipour

  • 2022
  • Speaker
  • Circle

Armaghan Naghipour is the Permanent Secretary for Science, Research and Gender Equality for the State of Berlin. A trained lawyer, she was the Personal Policy Advisor to Berlin’s Senator for Justice, Consumer Protection and Antidiscrimination prior to her current position. Before that, she served as Legal Advisor for the Parliamentary Group of the Greens in the Berlin House of Representatives. She also worked as an Attorney for Migration and Family Law and held a scholarship for an interdisciplinary research project focussing on integration at the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing. Her legal training took place in Heidelberg, Cologne and Berlin, including stations abroad in Bangalore and New York City. During this period, she participated in numerous research projects in the field of public international law at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, the University of Cologne and for Stanford University.“