Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Andrea Kritcher
Dr. Andrea Kritcher is the HYBRID-E design lead within the ICF program and is a member of the ICF leadership team and lead designer for shot N210808 which reached >1.35 MJ and first ignition by Lawson Criteria in the lab. Annie was first employed at the Lab as a summer intern in 2004, as an LLNL Lawrence Scholar during her time at UC Berkeley, and as a Lawrence postdoctoral fellow in 2009 following completion of her Ph.D. During her postdoctoral appointment she continued her work on X-ray Thomson Scattering, investigated nuclear plasma interactions, and co-lead a campaign to measure the equation of state of materials to hundreds of Mbars, which is featured in Nature. In 2012 Annie became a member of scientific staff and now serves as team lead for integrated implosion modeling and is a group leader within the design physics division at LLNL.