National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
Amal Amin Ibrahim Shendi
- 2022
- Participant
- Female Science Talents
Dr. Amal Amin is an Associate Professor for Nanotechnology/Polymers at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt. She was president and cofounder of the Egyptian society for advanced materials and nanotechnology and cofounder of global and Egyptian young academies (GYA & EYAS). Now, she is member of (the Science in Exile (interim) steering committee for refugees and displaced scientists; TWAS-IAP-ISC) and she was appointed as member of board of directors for ORCID (2022-2024). She is also a member in a number of other reputable organizations. She is founding chair of women in science without borders’ (WISWB) initiative, network and World forum for women in science conferences. She has been recently featured in women in science-inspiring stories from Africa (NASAC-IAP-2017).