Aleksandra Drecun
- 2021
- Jury
- Engage
Aleksandra Drecun, JD, MPA, is the President of Intersection, Center for Science and Innovation, an international action-tank dedicated to Science Engagement and Science Policy. She is the member of the European Commission DG Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Program Committees for "Strategic Configuration, with Science with and for Society" and Challenge 6 "Europe in a changing world, the World Bank Senior Consultant, and Harvard Alumni Association Director for Europe and Board member. Aleksandra participates in numerous Horizon 2020, COST, Creative Europe, Erasmus+, Tempus and other international projects, and cooperates closely with the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Science Foundation Ireland. She was the founding Director of the national Center for the Promotion of Science in Serbia, the Secretary General to the President of Serbia and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance. Drecun is the founding member of the Women's Government of Serbia, and served as the President of the Board of Belgrade Philharmonic. She is the co-founder of Genial, a genetic research and innovation start-up. Drecun graduated from the Law School University of Belgrade and holds an MPA degree from Harvard University.